Friday, January 15, 2016

2016 Aspirations

I have many goals I want to do but, I picked five of those many goals that I want to do. My first goal is, to get higher grades. My grades might be good but I always get at least two B's. I want my grades to reduce down to at least one B or all A's. My second goal is to, eat healthier and work out more. I used to be active a lot but then I turned into a couch potato. The third goal for me is to, clean my room more often. My fourth goal is to stop watching Tv for the whole weekend. I would literally tell my mom to get me snacks for my Walking Dead marathon. The last goal for me is to convince my mom to let me have a cat. I don't know why but they're just so cute and fluffy. I understand why my mom won't get me a cat though. It is because, we have two dogs and two birds.

My most important goal is probably to get higher grades. The reason why that is the most important is because, I want to be in a good college. I don't want to have bad grades. Mainly because, my parents get mad sometimes and i get grounded :/. I also want good  grades because, I feel accomplished whenever I get good grades. The last reason why is probably because, it makes my parents happy and they are very proud.

To make that goal a success, I will do better in my classes. In class, I sometimes don't get to finish my work and when I get home, I sometimes don't end up doing it. So, one of the ways to fix that is putting my homework some place where I will remember where it is. Another way to accomplish that goal is to pay attention more in class so I know what to do. I honestly don't know what else I should do to accomplish that goal si i'll end this writing session here :) Have a Great Day!!! :)


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