My teammates' personal traits are a leader, weird, fun, quiet, kind, shy. My personal traits are artistic, creative and, clumsy. All of these traits are very different from one another. Some how, we actually got to animating and got to exaggerate our character's traits. So in the beginning, Cody is planning to go for a walk and suddenly Jason and I walk up to Cody. Cody then asks if we wanted to join him. We agree but I ask where we are going to go because, if your gonna go for a walk wouldn't you have to know where? He suggests we go to the forest because, he heard about a new path there. Then, he goes the wrong way and I tell him it's the other way. Then when we find the portal and I fall in, Jason insists on going after me. Once all of us are in the portal, I'm creative by calling the new world we find the "Animation World" since all of us are basically animated. Then, we meet an all powerful computer that makes us do 3 trials. When all of us finish the 3 trials together, the computer sends us back the reality.

We used humor in our story by first making Cody accidentally go the wrong way to the forest. Second, being the clumsy person I am, I fall into the portal that appeared out of nowhere. Jason then tells Cody that they can't leave me in a magical portal in the woods because, obviously it's not right. In the end, I then have to pet a snake. I overreact but, Cody then convinces me to finally pet the snake. Our life lessons relate to people because, it tells us that friends are always important. No matter what happens you can always get another friend but, you can't always get another best friend.
I would say our level of productivity was pretty low. Since we haven't worked with each other before we were all really, really shy. We would only really chat with one another on the computer. The biggest challenge was probably talking to my teammates. Since we had to do a slide, we had to talk to each other to be able to actually do it. It was hard for us to do the slide since all of us were too shy to talk.We were the last team to present but, since we didn't talk to each other much we had to redo the presentation. You could probably guess that it didn't go well. The consequence of being the last team was less time to work on the actual animation. As I said before all of us were very shy. It was very difficult to wok together but at least we got some of the animation.
I thought the animation was great! I also liked the way you organized the paragraphs and pictures. Good job!